Is now a Good time to put your Surrey home on the Market?

The property section of my local paper – the Farnham Herald – is noticeably thin at the moment. It’s a trend we’re seeing across Surrey and the South East. Estate agents have reported that the number of properties on their books has slipped back to the lows experienced in the middle of 2017; the market is decidedly sluggish.

However, there are buyers still out there with first time buyers entering the market, families wanting more space, and older people thinking of downsizing. With interest rates still historically low it could still be the perfect time to put your Surrey home on the market.

And spring is also around the corner. As the weather gets better, potential buyers start to look for new homes and spring is the season when a large amount of buyers enter the market. If you want to sell and buy your next home in Surrey, now’s a good time to start getting your house in order.

Some of the reasons why now is the perfect time to put your home on the market include:

Improved weather

Potential buyers are much more likely to get out in the world and look at available houses on the market when the weather improves. Looking at properties in terrible weather cannot only be bad for the potential buyers when physically looking at the property, but people are less likely to buy around the winter months especially in the build-up to and aftermath of Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Days get longer

With more daylight comes more opportunity for potential buyers to view your property. In the winter months, it can be difficult for people to view properties in the week after work, whereas more light in the spring opens up the amount of time people are willing to view properties. Not only do homes look more attractive in better light, but people are generally in a better frame of mind for a fresh start.

Gardens better

The front garden is often the first part of the property that buyers see and it is important to make a great first impression. With flowers blooming in the spring months and leaves appearing on trees, the look and feel of the property can be warmer and more buyer-friendly.

Perfect time for a spring clean

With the winter months coming to a close, it’s the perfect time to do a big spring clean and make it look its best. The nicer weather means you can do some DIY in and around the property without having to account for the bad weather. A fresh feeling home is a lot more likely to sell than a home that looks tired and lived in.

Buyers prepare for purchase before the summer holidays

A large number of families will be looking to complete before the summer holidays so they have around six weeks to settle in their new home and children will be acclimatised before the new school year in September.

With the above point being said, putting your property on the market and completing before the summer holidays means that more parents are able to view your property without the added stresses of holidays, childcare and taking small children on viewings.

Buyers feel better

The spring months literally put a spring in buyers’ steps and people tend to buy when they are feeling good. Viewing a property on a dark and gloomy day can have adverse effects on how viewers see your property compared to a sunny day with a lot of light flowing through the house.

Low interest rates

With mortgage interest rates still extremely low, and lenders continuing to offer very attractive fixed rate mortgages, many buyers are looking to secure a good rate before any further interest rate rises. There is a base rate rise predicted for April or May, however this is unlikely to put off genuine homebuyers as the changes are not likely to be dramatic. Naturally, if you’re looking to sell your home and buy a new Surrey property, you will also want to take advantage of low mortgage rates too.

Along with preparing your home for viewings, now’s the time to get a Mortgage Agreement in Principle for your next property. These typically last between 3-6 months so if you secure a favourable fixed rate now, and purchase a property, you’ll be able to avoid the increase rate rise later this spring.

If you are struggling to find a mortgage, give me a call and we can explore your circumstances in more detail. Call 01252 759 233 or email